Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Helloooooo Gorgeous!

Baby profile -

Baby face -

Wittle baby footsie -

In love.


The military hospital gave me a picture, four in fact. So, as usual, that’s what I get for talking smack.

They also tried to show me the gender, being prohibited from actually saying it. I would have fared better at charades. I can’t possibly make out those ultra sound images! She pointed to a leg, another leg and in between the legs……and I saw nothing.

Which means it’s a girl, right?

I went to Bisbee last Sunday to see the witch (and by witch I don’t mean a wicked woman but rather the wonderful 66 year old Wiccan) that married us and SHE said she was pretty sure it’s a boy. She told me she’s never been wrong.

But I did not see a wee little penis today.

This is driving me crazy.

Meanwhile, somewhere across town, my husband is playing proud papa showing off the ultrasound pictures to his co-workers without a care in the world as to whether he’s presenting a son or a daughter.

(pictures to follow)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Week 20: I just wanted a stinking picture….

I’m not sure if I mentioned that my husband doesn’t want to know the sex of the baby. Which is perfectly fine (after much eye rolling from me and “do you have to be SO different from everyone else ALL the time?”) but I have to know. I would gladly ride the mystery baby train with him towards it’s surprise finish but…..I HAVE to know.

I have to.

And for this it seems the universe is punishing me.
Or at least most certainly giving me the finger.

First off, said hubby o’mine is an active duty military career guy and so my healthcare is as such. The healthcare provided by my former employer didn’t cover maternity related costs. You might say the upper management hissed at children. It wasn’t exactly a family friendly gig. Anyhow, I have almost nothing to do with the military hospital throughout my pregnancy, but I do have to have my ultrasound done there. And the folks there will not reveal the sex of my unborn child due to some lawsuit for a once faulty prediction. But what’s more, they will not provide me with a picture.

Not even one lousy picture. Is the paper really expensive, do you think? From what I recall they print those pictures on what feels like the consistency of receipt paper. I will BRING THE GODDAMNED PAPER! The lawsuit thing I could understand. Just another case of one dumbass ruining it for everyone else. But no picture? That is just asinine. I decided to take matters into my own hands.

While in Washington for the last month I attempted to schedule a 2D sonogram with a reputable business recommended by a friend. I would not only get my baby’s picture I would also get a DVD, a gender confirmation on my little munchkin as well as having the added pleasure of cramming all my friends and family in the room to take part in the experience. All for around $115.00 out of pocket. I was not far enough along to have the super cool 3D imaging done.

All I needed was my doctor’s approval.
But noooooooooo…….

My doctor wouldn’t approve because he was not familiar with this business and blah, blah, blah, medical jargon, blah, blah. I was almost in tears on the phone with him explaining my situation with the military hospital and expressing that if I couldn’t know the sex I could live with that, I guess, but why can’t I have a picture? One of the very simple joys of every woman’s pregnancy, throughout the last few decades at least, is showing off that little black and white blob that doesn’t even remotely look like a baby.

In order to placate me the doctor assured that they would do a “social ultrasound”, with their in-office machine, at my next visit. Thus providing me with a gender check and a picture. Well, I had that doc. appt. today, mentioned this “social ultrasound” and apparently they’ll do it upon my next visit……. in late August. When I’m 6 months along already. When most women, as pregnant as I, are busily buying their pink or their blue because THEY have idiocy-free healthcare and THEY know the sex of their child by now.

I am beyond irritated by this whole ordeal.

But am otherwise feeling fantastic! My four week sabbatical was perfect. I had my first sober experience in a night club and stayed out with a large group of friends until 1 AM. I have energy again, I’m leaving my house again and I’m enjoying good food again.

I have a big round belly.

And the baby is kicking!

He or she (grrrrr) is quite active, and I’m finally, finally, finally feeling excited about all of it.